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Top level | complexus anatomicus Short Extended |
Level 2 | substantia grisea systematis nervosi centralis Short Extended |
Current level | nucleus diencephali Short |
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FMA:62955 | |
FMA:61775 | |
FMA:67165 | |
FMA:305751 | |
FMA:67135 | |
FMA:49443 | |
FMA:83115 | |
FMA:83143 | |
FMA:67242 | |
FMA:223151 | |
FMA:83686 | |
FMA:83840 | |
TAH:E11623 |
nucleus diencephali
Taxonomic list |
Short official Latin term
Short English equivalent
11623 |
nucleus diencephali
nucleus of diencephalon
272352 | 11634 |
nucleus substantiae griseae pretecti T4 35 children
nucleus of grey matter of pretectum
62402 | 5805 | part |
area pretecta
prehidden area
272352 | 5806 | part |
nucleus pretectus
prehidden nucleus
5807 | part |
nucleus pretectus anterior
anterior prehidden nucleus
72403 | 5808 | part |
nucleus tractus optici
nucleus of optic tract
72405 | 5809 | part |
nucleus pretectus olivaris
olivary prehidden nucleus
84355 | 5810 | part |
nucleus pretectus posterior
posterior prehidden nucleus
68463 | 8641↓ | part |
nucleus commissurae posterioris
nucleus of posterior commissure
8642 | part |
pars principalis nuclei commissurae posterioris
principal part of nucleus of posterior commissure
8643 | part |
pars magnocellularis nuclei commissurae posterioris
magnocellular part of nucleus of posterior commissure
256154 | 5638 | part |
nucleus accessorius tractus optici
accessory nucleus of optic tract
77651 | 5639 | part |
nucleus accessorius posterior tractus optici ; nucleus accessorius dorsalis tractus optici
posterior accessory nucleus of optic tract ; dorsal accessory nucleus of optic tract
77652 | 5640 | part |
nucleus accessorius lateralis tractus optici
lateral accessory nucleus of optic tract
77653 | 5641 | part |
nucleus accessorius medialis tractus optici
medial accessory nucleus of optic tract
11633 |
nucleus of grey matter of prered tegmentum of diencephalon of diencephalon
8144 | part |
nucleus interstitialis
interstitial nucleus
8147↓ | part |
nucleus interstitialis rostralis fasciculi longitudinalis medialis telencephali
rostral interstitial nucleus of medial longitudinal fasciculus of telencephalon of telencephalon
8150↓ | part |
nucleus ellipticus
elliptic nucleus
11632 |
nucleus substantiae griseae epithalami T4 6 children
nucleus of grey matter of epithalamus
62372 | 5803 | part |
nucleus habenularis lateralis
lateral habenular nucleus
62373 | 5804 | part |
nucleus habenularis medialis
medial habenular nucleus
11627 |
nucleus substantiae griseae thalami T4 119 children
nucleus of grey matter of thalamus
5814 | part |
nucleus anterior thalami
anterior nucleus of thalamus
62141 | 5815 | part |
nucleus anterodorsalis thalami
anterodorsal nucleus of thalamus
62142 | 5816 | part |
nucleus anteromedialis thalami
anteromedial nucleus of thalamus
62143 | 5817 | part |
nucleus anteroventralis thalami
anteroventral nucleus of thalamus
62176 | 5819 | part |
nucleus dorsalis lateralis thalami
dorsal superficial nucleus of thalamus; laterodorsal nucleus of thalamus; lateral dorsal nucleus of thalamus
5832 | part |
nucleus medialis thalami
medial nucleus of thalamus
62156 | 5833 | part |
nucleus mediodorsalis thalami
mediodorsal nucleus of thalamus
5826 | part |
nucleus intralaminaris thalami
intralaminar nucleus of thalamus
8628 | part |
nucleus intralaminaris anterior
anterior intralaminar nucleus
62171 | 5828 | part |
nucleus centralis medialis thalami
central medial nucleus of thalamus
62172 | 5830 | part |
nucleus paracentralis thalami
paracentral nucleus of thalamus
62170 | 5827 | part |
nucleus centralis lateralis thalami
central lateral nucleus of thalamus
8629 | part |
nucleus intralaminaris centralis
central intralaminar nucleus
62165 | 5829 | part |
nucleus centromedianus thalami
centromedian nucleus of thalamus
62166 | 5831 | part |
nucleus parafascicularis thalami
parafascicular nucleus of thalamus
8630 | part |
nucleus subparafascicularis thalami
subparafascicular nucleus of thalamus
8631 | part |
nucleus intralaminaris posterior thalami
posterior intralaminar nucleus of thalamus
62220 | 5846 | part |
nucleus limitans thalami
limitans nucleus of thalamus
62222 | 5848 | part |
nucleus suprageniculatus thalami
suprageniculate nucleus of thalamus
5850 | part |
nucleus lateralis thalami
lateral nucleus of thalamus
62184 | 5863 | part |
nucleus ventralis anterior thalami
ventral anterior nucleus of thalamus
5860 | part |
nucleus ventralis lateralis thalami
lateral ventral nucleus of thalamus ; ventral lateral complex of thalamus
5861 | part |
nucleus ventrolateralis anterior thalami
anterior ventrolateral nucleus of thalamus
5862 | part |
nucleus ventrolateralis posterior thalami
posterior ventrolateral nucleus of thalamus
5855 | part |
nucleus ventralis medialis thalami
medial ventral nucleus of thalamus ; ventral medial complex of thalamus
5856 | part |
nucleus ventromedialis basalis thalami
basal ventromedial nucleus of thalamus
5857 | part |
nucleus ventromedialis principalis thalami
principal ventromedial nucleus of thalamus
5858 | part |
nucleus submedialis thalami
submedial nucleus of thalamus
8632↓ | part |
nucleus ventromedialis posterior thalami
posterior ventromedial nucleus of thalamus
5851 | part |
nucleus ventrobasalis thalami
ventrobasal nucleus of thalamus ; ventroposterior complex of thalamus; ventrobasal complex of thalamus
84350 | 5852 | part |
nucleus ventralis posterolateralis
ventral posterolateral nucleus
62202 | 5853 | part |
nucleus ventralis posteromedialis
ventral posteromedial nucleus
62199 | 5859 | part |
nucleus ventralis posteroinferior
ventral posteroinferior nucleus
5838 | part |
nucleus periventricularis thalami
periventricular nucleus of thalamus ; midline nucleus
62151 | 5839 | part |
nucleus parataenialis
parataenial nucleus ▲
62152 | 5840 | part |
nucleus paraventricularis thalami
paraventricular nucleus of thalamus
62153 | 5843 | part |
nucleus medioventralis ; nucleus reuniens
medioventral nucleus ; reuniens nucleus
5845 | part |
nucleus posterior thalami
posterior nucleus of thalamus
62177 | 5820 | part |
nucleus lateralis posterior
lateral posterior nucleus
5821 | part |
nucleus pulvinaris
pulvinar nucleus
62214 | 5900 | part |
nucleus dorsalis corporis geniculati lateralis
dorsal lateral geniculate nucleus
5906 | part |
nucleus corporis geniculati medialis
nucleus of medial geniculate body
62217 | 5907 | part |
nucleus ventralis corporis geniculati medialis
ventral principal nucleus of medial geniculate body
62216 | 5908 | part |
nucleus dorsalis corporis geniculati medialis
dorsal nucleus of medial geniculate body
62218 | 5909 | part |
nucleus magnocellularis medialis corporis geniculati medialis
medial magnocellular nucleus of medial geniculate body
62178 | 5772 | part |
62023 | 5776 | part |
62209 | 5777 | part |
corpus geniculatum laterale
lateral geniculate body
62211 | 5778 | part |
corpus geniculatum mediale
medial geniculate body
11626 |
nucleus substantiae griseae prethalami T4 13 children
nucleus of grey matter of prethalamus
62026 | 5849 | part |
nucleus reticularis prethalami ; nucleus reticularis thalami
reticular nucleus of prethalamus ; reticular nucleus of thalamus
62215 | 5904 | part |
nucleus ventralis corporis geniculati lateralis ; nucleus pregeniculatus
ventral lateral geniculate nucleus; pregeniculate nucleus
5894 | part |
62037 | 5895 | part |
nucleus campi medialis
nucleus of medial field ; H field
77526 | 5896 | part |
nucleus campi dorsalis
nucleus of dorsal field ; H1 field
258760 | 11625 |
nucleus substantiae griseae subthalami T4 6 children
nucleus of grey matter of subthalamus
62035 | 5893 | part |
nucleus subthalamicus
subthalamic nucleus
62038 | 5898 | part |
zona incerta
zona incerta
11624 |
nucleus substantiae griseae hypothalami T4 54 children
nucleus of grey matter of hypothalamus
74877 | 5780 | part |
corpus mammillare
mammillary body ▲
62319 | 5912 | part |
nucleus anterior hypothalami
anterior hypothalamic nucleus
5913 | part |
nucleus periventricularis anterior
anterior periventricular nucleus
62320 | 5918 | part |
nucleus paraventricularis hypothalami
paraventricular nucleus of hypothalamus
67883 | 5920 | part |
nucleus suprachiasmaticus
suprachiasmatic nucleus
62317 | 5921 | part |
nucleus supraopticus
supraoptic nucleus
62329 | 5932 | part |
nucleus arcuatus ; nucleus infundibularis
arcuate nucleus ; infundibular nucleus
62331 | 5931 | part |
nucleus dorsomedialis hypothalami
dorsomedial hypothalamic nucleus
62349 | 5934 | part |
nucleus periventricularis posterior
posterior periventricular nucleus
62332 | 5937 | part |
nucleus ventromedialis hypothalami
ventromedial hypothalamic nucleus
77688 | 5940 | part |
nucleus perifornicalis
perifornical nucleus
77006 | 5943 | part |
nucleus premammillaris dorsalis
dorsal premammillary nucleus ▲
77007 | 5947 | part |
nucleus premammillaris ventralis
ventral premammillary nucleus ▲
62335 | 5941 | part |
nucleus tuberomammillaris
tuberomammillary nucleus ▲
62341 | 5944 | part |
nucleus mammillaris lateralis
lateral mammillary nucleus ▲
62342 | 5945 | part |
nucleus mammillaris medialis
medial mammillary nucleus ▲
62347 | 5946 | part |
nucleus supramammillaris
supramammillary nucleus ▲
62350 | 5948 | part |
nucleus posterior hypothalami
posterior hypothalamic nucleus
8623 | part |
nucleus areae preopticae T4 19 children
nucleus of preoptic area
62326 | 5915 | part |
nucleus preopticus lateralis
lateral preoptic nucleus
67890 | 5916 | part |
nucleus preopticus medialis
medial preoptic nucleus
62323 | 5917 | part |
nucleus preopticus medianus
median preoptic nucleus
62324 | 5919 | part |
nucleus preopticus periventricularis
periventricular preoptic nucleus
8624↓ | part |
nucleus preopticus ventrolateralis
ventrolateral preoptic nucleus
5914 | part |
nucleus interstitialis hypothalami
interstitial nucleus of hypothalamus
8625 | part |
nucleus dimorphus sexualis
sexual dimorphic nucleus
108 items
270 entities
Scientific notes |
Libelle of note
8147 |
New term, described by Horn, AKE, Büttner-Ennever, JA (1998 Premotor neurons for vertical eye-movements in the rostral mesencephalon of monkey and man: The histological identification by parvalbumin immunostaining. J Comp Neurol 392:413-427) as a premotor nucleus for vertical eye movements.
8150 |
See note # 8641
8624 |
The Nucleus preopticus ventrolateralis is a recently discovered Preoptic nucleus, a sleep-promoting nucleus (Saper CB, Chou TC, Scammell TE 2001 The sleep switch: Hypothalamic control of sleep and wakefulness. Trends Neurosci 24:726-731).
8632 |
The Nucleus ventromedialis posterior (Ventromedial posterior nucleus; VMpo) is a newly discovered nucleus involved in pain perception as part of the Ventromedial nucleus (Blomqvist A, Zhang ET, Craig AD 2000 Cytoarchitectonic and immunohistochemical characterization of a specific pain and tempearature relay, the posterior portion of the ventral medial nucleus, in the human thalamus. Brain 123:601-619).
8641 |
Replaced from Mesencephalon; for the subdivision of this nucleus, Principal and Magnocellular parts are adopted, following Olszewski and Baxter3. The Ventral division is renamed as Nucleus ellipticus (coming from Cetacea and Proboscidea) or Nucleus of Darkschewitsch, not part of the Nucleus of the posterior commissure.
Signature |
Type of list | T3F |
List Unit Identifier | 11623 |
Sublist 1 | 8623 nucleus areae preopticae 19/8 on 1.12.2018 |
Sublist 2 | 11624 nucleus substantiae griseae hypothalami 54/19 on 1.12.2018 |
Sublist 3 | 11625 nucleus substantiae griseae subthalami 6/3 on 1.12.2018 |
Sublist 4 | 11626 nucleus substantiae griseae prethalami 13/6 on 10.7.2024 |
Sublist 5 | 11627 nucleus substantiae griseae thalami 119/50 on 10.7.2024 |
Sublist 6 | 11632 nucleus substantiae griseae epithalami 6/3 on 1.12.2018 |
Sublist 7 | 11633 nucleus substantiae griseae tegmenti prerubralis 9/4 on 1.12.2018 |
Sublist 8 | 11634 nucleus substantiae griseae pretecti 35/14 on 1.12.2018 |
Subtotals | subchildren 261 subunits 107 |
Proper children | 8 |
Number of children | 269 (validated) |
Proper units | 1 |
Number of units | 108 (validated) |
Signature | 9413 (validated since 10.7.2024) |
Date: 06.01.2025 |